Write a Poem

My son's school class recently published a book of poetry. It is a pretty cool book. They all wrote a poem following the same format. For example:

Sports, Sports, Sports,

Sports, Sports, Sports
Kicking sports
Running sports
Hitting, throwing, catching sports
Fast, summer, jumping, sports
Those are just a few
Winter sports
Sledding sports
Fun, riding, olympic sports
Motor, net, racket sports
Play with my dad sports too!
Inside sports
Outside sports
And don't forget racing sports
Last of all
Best of all
I like water sports!

by Christopher McCurdy

Here is the pattern
1. title repeated in first line
2. a descriptive word then noun or your choice here ___________ "sports"
3. a descriptive word then noun or your choice here ___________ "sports"
4. Three descriptive words then noun or your choice here ___________ "sports"
5. Three descriptive words then noun or your choice here ___________ "sports"
6. "Those are just a few"
7. a descriptive word then noun or your choice here ___________ "sports"
8. a descriptive word then noun or your choice here ___________ "sports"
9. Three descriptive words then noun or your choice here ___________ "sports"
10. Three descriptive words then noun or your choice here ___________ "sports"
11. Description then the work "too!"
12. a descriptive word then noun or your choice here ___________ "sports"
13. a descriptive word then noun or your choice here ___________ "sports"
14. "And don't forget" a descriptive word then noun or your choice here ___________ "sports"
15. "Last of All"
16. "Best of All"
17. "I like" a descriptive word then noun or your choice here ___________ "sports"

Try it - it is really fun