Do you remember asking your mom or your grandma how they made a certain meal and they told you to take "some" of this or a "pinch" of that? Well, I made up a pretty good topping that I have been using to make Applecrisp. I love Applecrisp, but the original topping has flour and oatmeal in it. I have heard that it is now safe to eat oatmeal, so I sampled some and it made me sick. I intend to try it again, making sure that I find certified "gluten-free oats" they cost about $10.00 a pound though. This gluten free Applecrisp topping is both gluten and oatmeal free. It contains a pinch of gluten free flour and some brown sugar and butter. This picture was taken before I baked it.
Gluten Free Applecrisp
Brown Sugar
Gluten Free Flour or GF Biscuit mix (NO Fava bean flour!)
1. Peel, core and slice up 1 large pan of apples
2. Sprinkle the pan of apples with cinnamon and sugar. Probably about 2 tsps of cinnamon and a 1/8 to 1/4 cup of sugar
3. Mix equal parts of brown sugar and GF flour together - so I use 2/3 or 3/4 of a cup of each.
4. Melt "some" butter - somewhere between 1/2 a stick and 3/4 of a stick of butter, melted in the microwave
5. Stir butter into sugar/flour mixture. The mixture should look crumbly.
6. Crumble on top of apples
7. Cook at 350 degrees until the apples are soft and the top is golden brown, which I think is about 30 minutes.
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